In a tone-deaf and retarded move to put a smiley face on the crisis it created, the Biden Administration now calls illegal aliens "Newcomers."
What no one has yet pointed out (you're hearing it here first) is that the new label, "Newcomers," is lifted directly from the 1991 sci-fi film, "Alien Nation," in which the methane-breathing, rotten-milk-drinking uglies from another planet who take refuge on Earth are whimsically called the "Newcomers."
This change comes from a new effort to revive the corpse of the administration's past failed attempt to ram through legislation to fund yet more illegal immigration under the guise of border security.
Most Americans will see right through the charade, but some may fall for the cheap propaganda that's bound to flood the media...
[All the above graphics by Col. O. for The People's Cube] ... -describe/
What no one has yet pointed out (you're hearing it here first) is that the new label, "Newcomers," is lifted directly from the 1991 sci-fi film, "Alien Nation," in which the methane-breathing, rotten-milk-drinking uglies from another planet who take refuge on Earth are whimsically called the "Newcomers."
This change comes from a new effort to revive the corpse of the administration's past failed attempt to ram through legislation to fund yet more illegal immigration under the guise of border security.
Most Americans will see right through the charade, but some may fall for the cheap propaganda that's bound to flood the media...
[All the above graphics by Col. O. for The People's Cube] ... -describe/
Statistics: Posted by Colonel Obyezyana — 3/2/2024, 11:27 am — Replies 3 — Views 176